Monday, April 6, 2009

what happened to the 'hood?

I remember the neighborhood growing up. The kids running around. The moms banning together. It felt like that would always be the way of the things. Moms. Dads. Kids. Neighbors. Helping. Taking Time. It seems so much has changed. Now I wonder, if that neighbor waving to me really wants to wave, or if she just feels like she must be neighborly. Where are the block parties? The chats by the mailbox? The helping hand when someone new is moving in? I have a few very close friends that live in the neighborhood near me, the others...well...we have all shared this same plot of ground for 5 years, and yet, it still feels like we are all strangers.

I have a neighbor. He is a widower who is very serious about his horses. Others think he is ornery, and mean. Well, maybe I see it differently, because in all the years we have been in our home it is he who has brought his tractor over when the snow fell so tall that we could not get out of our driveway, it is he who brings us extra eggs from his chickens...he who CHEERS ME ON when I am training for my half marathon, he who treats my kids like mini adults, he who walks over to talk to us instead of calling or emailing, he who watched our house with the closeness of a watchdog while we were in the middle of building it. It is this neighbor, this neighbor who I hope I can be more like.


Carin said...

Can I just tell you how much I love your "neighbor" and am jealous that you get to live so close to him. I have heard so many stories of him, my grandpa and my Dad over the years. He is such a great guy! :) Ok... I miss ALL of my Harper friends.

Toots said...

Gooooooood post. Like this. I have wondered how you've felt raising your kids and living where you do since you are not excactly in a "neighborhood" but I am so happy to learn about this guy that has befriended you your fam and watched over you. That goes a long way. I liked this post a lot because I remember such good times in our 'hood' growing up and all the night games and friendly talks. Now, I feel thankful to be living in a similar environment--but it does take EFFORT to get out there and strike up a conversation at the mailbox, it takes INTEREST to see how your neighbors are doing and it is a great thing. We're all in this together---this thing called LIFE--so let's share! Bring back the block parties!

Toots said...

I would also add that some of my neighbors are very PROTECTIVE & PRIVATE--so we don't see them at the mailbox quite as much. :)

Rich and Tyra said...

I agree about needing to reach out and try to be more "neighborly" with our neighbors....I am guilty of being wrapped up in my own busy-ness and not taking the time but I need to and am greatful for this reminder... I feel bad because we had "complained" about your neighbor because of our experience but am also reminded to not judge others because you may not know their story or the reason they do what they do. Just as I hope that I am not judged.

shauntae said...

Thank you! Very timely and appropriate. :) You know I love you! You've said it all, and very well done!

Kaylee said...

Man I loved being in the same neighborhood as you. I wish we were still there. Can we have a block party even if we live several blocks away?