Sunday, January 30, 2011

Messy Baby.

Maggie has hit the 'Messy Baby' stage. You know, where you give her a cookie and it somehow gets smeared into wet ick all over her face. Yes. This is a love/hate stage. However, just check out how happy her little face is, eating her cookie and celery. And guess what? She cleans up spic and span. :)


Rich and Tyra said...

Aww cute! I love that little cabbage patch dimple faced cuteness of a girl! She is such a good sweet baby! Loves!!!

J + A Humphreys said...

That pic is soooooo darling! Her hair is getting longer, so cute. Totally feel ya on the wet ick. It's totally gross. We are just doing cereal and that's gross, but still so cute smeared all over fat cheeks. Hi Maggs! We lubs ya!

Toots said...

What a cute pic, Aim! This stage is tricky because they DO get messy but it's nice that they can be a bit independent too and put things in their mouths themselves. I was just thinking how Maggie's hair is so blond here and it was so dark when she was born! Everytime I see Maggs I think of how glad I am she came to earth!