Toots, Me, and Hayden in the N Ogden Cherry Days Race
Something happens when you are about to turn 35. You start to get a little crazy. You start doing the math and realizing that indeed you are half of seventy, but not quite at mid-life. For some of us you start thinking all of your life has been spent in cautious steps and little risk, and that it is time to finally let go and have some fun! Thankfully, I went through this phase a few years ago so I can now wisely guide my little sister Tami aka Toots through this coming of age. Toots has jumped in with both feet, quite literally, into running. I love it! I have a running buddy to do races with and to cheer for. Running is a solitude sport, but there is really nothing like having someone there on race day with you. To share the jitters. To stand in the potty line. To encourage. To cross the finish line with.
On Saturday Toots did her first 5K, and did a great job! One first down, two to go.
After the race, it is tradition to go to McDonald's for breakfast. Honestly, it is usually just me pulling in to the drive through, but still, it is tradition. Toots had never been! There are very few things I like more than a #2 breakfast at McDonald's house. Toots ate her Mcbreakfast and liked it! Two firsts down, one to go!
We made it to North Fork and had a great BBQ with the fam and then everyone sans me and the baby decided to go on a hike. My hubs jokingly offered Toots some Mnt Dew and she actually drank some! I can think of nothing else that has ever taken my husband so off guard in the thirteen years we have been married. Way to go Toots for letting loose! Three firsts in one day. Each one as significant as the other. Perhaps trivial. But maybe not. It was one of the finest days ever.
Wow Aim---what a way to make me feel amazing! Thank you! That was so cool of you to write this post. I loved it! It made me laugh out loud. I really did it! I hit 3 firsts in one day and it was awesome! I don't regret a single minute!
I am so excited to be your running buddy now. It makes me happy. Yes, there is something that happens when you near the age of 35---you do want to go out on a limb and take some risks and I am doing it! I am actually working on my playlist now so that I can finally have something to run to when training! Thanks Aim! And thanks to Kory for sharing the 'Dew!
p.s. I love the new blog layout!
hahahahah! That's just awesome! Go Toots! Who says it's hard getting older??? Sounds like lots of fun to me. :) Good job to Hayden for running like a champ....and you and Toots too.
Oh day when we move back we need to do the Wasatch Back relay. I think that would be so fun. :)
That's awesome! Give Lisa and I a call...we've got the running bug too. I'm doing my first 5K Saturday! I can't believe it! You guys look good all glistening with sweat!
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